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Unified Sports Resources

Unified Sports Google Drive 

Explore our comprehensive Google Drive folder, which houses all the essential information and tools you'll need to create and manage a successful Unified Sports program. Inside, you'll find guidelines, templates, best practices, and other valuable resources to help you implement and sustain your program effectively.

Follow this link to access the full suite of materials: Unified Sports Google Drive

Required Training 

(All courses are free)

Coaching Unified Sports

Course: Coaching Unified Sports (NFHS)

Description: This course covers the fundamentals of coaching Unified Sports, including
strategies for inclusion, team dynamics, and effective coaching techniques.

Safe Sport

Course: Safe Sport Training

Description: This training ensures the safety and well-being of athletes by addressing
issues such as abuse, harassment, and misconduct in sports environments.

Recommended Training

Coaching Adapted Sports

Course: Coaching Adapted Sports (NFHS)

Description: This course provides strategies and techniques for coaching athletes with
disabilities, focusing on adaptation and inclusion in sports.

Administering Interscholastic Unified Sports

Course: Administering Interscholastic Unified Sports (NFHS)

Description: This course is designed for administrators and focuses on the logistical
and organizational aspects of managing Unified Sports programs in schools.


Special Olympics Language Guidelines

Purpose: To educate and reinforce the respectful and appropriate ways to talk or write about Special Olympics Athletes. Please note that this document contains some program-specific vocabulary that is typically only used in the United States.
How to Access: Click here