Emergency Action Plan

Central Alberta Christian High School Emergency Response Plan
In case of an emergency, call 911.
Give address of school.  (22 Eagle Road, Lacombe)
Explain the nature of the injury.
Report back to the coach/committee member.
Meet the ambulance. Direct EMS to location of injury.
The nearest health care facility is the Lacombe Hospital. It is located at 5430-47 Ave, Lacombe . The phone number is  403-782-3336

Lacombe Composite High School Emergency Response Plan
AED machine is located in the auxiliary gym (inside west doors 1170)

Two muster areas (south & north areas outside of the school).

The term LOCKDOWN will be repeated several times.

Upon hearing the warning, coaches/adults will:
1. Vacate all hallways and open areas to find secure, locked locations.
2. Immediately lock themselves and their students in their respective classrooms/areas.
3. Quickly close all blinds and window coverings; turn off all lights.
4. Instruct students to sit quietly on the floor, hidden from outdoor sightlines. 
5. Call 911 if the location of an active shooter is known; advise police, to your best ability, the exact location of the shooter.
6. Stay in their respective classrooms/areas until the Incident Commander issues ALL-CLEAR AND doors are opened by Incident Commander or the Police.

Upon hearing the warning, athletes will:
1. Vacate all hallways and open areas to find secure, locked locations.
2. Comply with all staff directions, orders, and requests.
3. Sit quietly on the floor, hidden from outdoor sightlines.

Athletes, coaches and spectators who are unable to find secure locations will:
1. Quickly leave the building through the nearest door.
2. Proceed to one of the following buildings   
          - On the west side of the school proceed to AFSC.
          - On the east side of the school proceed to the City Office.
3. Wait at these locations until the Tournament Coordinator or Police indicates otherwise.

Athletes, coaches and spectators who are unable to find secure locations and unable to leave the building should:
1. Proceed to the nearest washroom.
2. Enter a stall and lock it.
3. Position their feet so they are not visible under the stall partitions.
4. Remain quiet.

Quietly await further instruction and do not leave your place of safety until you hear an “ALL CLEAR” repeated by the Incident Commander and doors are opened by Incident Commander or the Police.  In the event of a fire alarm, staff and students are to remain in their protected areas. After the ALL CLEAR details on the situation will be explained.
1.  At the sound of the fire alarm, everyone will file out in an orderly manner to the  designated muster areas (south & north sides of the school).  Do not allow athletes to stand on the street as emergency vehicles will need access.  The tournament coordinator will call 911 and meet the fire department.
2.  The first two people to reach the exit doors will remain there and hold the doors open until everyone has passed through.  They will then join the group in the designated assembly area.
3.  Coaches/teacher supervisors will take attendance and assign an athlete to report absences to the attendance collection officers.  Coaches will remain with their teams at all times.
4.  Coaches/adults should be the last to exit all areas.  Please make sure all doors are closed. Do not turn off the lights.
5.  An announcement or a verbal invite by the tournament coordinator will be used to indicate it is safe for coaches & athletes to go back inside the school.