Coach Information


Coaches meeting will be via zoom call on Wednesday, November 24 at 8:00 pm. 
All coaches will be provided with zoom link information by no later than Monday, November 21.


All NORTH teams are the designated Home teams, as per annual rotation.
All NORTH teams get preference of which colour they are going to wear.
The NORTH teams have until the Tuesday leading up to the Alberta Bowl, to decide what colour they will be wearing and must inform the ASAA office so that the office can communicate & coordinate that with the other teams, to avoid any conflicts with jersey colours.



All teams are to use the ramp on the east side of the stadium – Stadium road access; buses will drop the players off at the top of the ramp and team members can walk down; then buses are to vacate immediately and park in Clarke Park parking lot (see attached map)

Any cheerleaders arriving on mass will need to follow the same protocol as above
There will be change rooms available for all teams involved; change rooms will be clearly marked upon entrance to the facility and there will be staff/security members available to direct teams to rooms.
Home team will have the change room located on ramp side of the stadium, which will lead to the East side of the field for team benches.
Visiting team will have the change room on the Elks Player Lounge side, which will lead to the glass door exit and West side of the field for team benches


For 2021, the Northern Alberta Champions at each level will be considered the home team.


  • Teams should arrive for their games no earlier than 1.5 hours prior to their kick off time.
  • You can take the field whenever you like for warm-up within 1 hour of your game time if you are the first game of the day.
  • If you have a game preceding, you must wait until the conclusion of the Awards Ceremony for the game prior to taking the field for warm-up unless otherwise decided.
  • The clock will be set to run to 0:00 approximately two minutes prior to the scheduled start of your game.
  • With 10:00 left on the clock prior to your game, please return to your locker room. A Field Controller will be there to remind teams.
  • At 0:00 you will be expected to have your team lined up in numerical order in the walkway leading to the field.
  • Visiting team will be announced first and will run onto the field from the glass door entrance (turn left out of the glass door and down the stairs to the field). Home team will be announced second and will enter the field from the ramp entrance
  • Please follow the Field Controllers instructions from there.
  • The Visiting team will be announced first. All players will be announced. When they are announced, players are expected to run down the sidelines to their respective 45 yard line where they will turn and run up that line until their entire team is out.
  • Home team will follow suit
  • Teams will remain/stand on their respective 45 yard lines facing each other
  • From here, the officials will hold the Captains meeting at a socially distanced space; officials will be in masks and athletes will be asked to keep/put their helmets on (unless they have a mask with them, in which they can opt to wear a mask); there will then be a ceremonial coin toss at which point the home team calls the coin flip.
  • Captains will then return to the 45 yard line for the reading/acknowledgment of Treaty and then the playing of O’Canada that will start when the head referee takes off his hat.


  • IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE GAME, save any post-game discussions for the locker room. Please give a quick three cheers for your opponent. There will be NO HANDSHAKES.
  • Demonstrate Sportsmanship – As disappointing as it may be to lose a game of this nature, please keep in mind the bigger picture and continue with the post-game protocol rather than leaving the field. Teams who do not follow the post-game protocol will be fined by the ASAA Executive.
  • Following three cheers, please have your team line up on their respective 45 yard lines
  • The silver medals will be presented first. This year due to Covid, medals will be given to coaches to distribute to the athletes as they see fit. The captains will be called to step forward to receive the finalist plaque. Then return with their team to the 45 yard line for the presentation of the gold medals.
  • The gold medals will be presented next. This year due to Covid, medals will be given to the coaches to distribute to the athletes as they see fit. The captains will be called forward to receive the plaque and banner.
  • Once complete, the winning team will have its picture taken under the field posts and the silver medal team may return to their locker room.
  • We are asking teams to please vacate the locker rooms within 45 minutes of end of game