Closeup of a chalk line on a grass field


Location: Riverbend Golf Course

Address: 3800 Riverbend Drive, Red Deer AB 



    The course is fairly difficult, with a great deal of elevation change including ascents and descents that happen regularly.  The setting is a recreational area where cross country ski races are held, so the trail is 6 metres wide on average, well-guarded from traffic and does not cross any roads or major pavement.  After leaving the wide-open start area, situated at a biathlon range, runners journey 400 metres near the Red Deer River, before encountering an aggressive climb that takes them into a beautiful treed area.  From here the course takes them up and down challenging but short climbs, slow curves and fast downhills, before returning to the start area.  Each race category's course consists of two loops with a short, 75 m section of two-way traffic.  Near the start, athletes will encounter a well-marked lap turn around, where they will embark on their second and final loop.  The 6km course consists of a 2.5km loop, followed by a 3.5km loop.  The 5km course consists of two 2.5 km loops.  The 4km course is made up of a 1.5km loop followed by a 2.5km loop.  Finally, our para athletes will run two laps of a 1.0km loop.  Consult the race maps for a better idea of how the loops are constructed, visually.  Major sections of all race courses are identified with names, which will be visible on the course.  The course consists of well-maintained grassy trails with moderate wear.  Running spikes are recommended.  

 A video walkthrough of the course can be viewed HERE.